




Lemon Documentation

Documentation is also available in the form of:

Documentation for previous versions of Lemon is available online.

Name Status Module Description
Auth Beta auth Auth provides for the management of applications and users including their access rights, usernames and passwords. Provides a very simple and powerful API
db Beta db

db is perhaps the most useful Lemon component. It is resposible for the datastore and middle tier of applications. It provides a number of components including a database-independant abstraction layer, natural language query builder and an object data relation mapper. These components make it possible to write portable back-end code with very little effort on the part of the developer. DILL is interfaced with Form allowing the automatic generation of validating HTML forms for updating information in the datastore.

The db.builder sub-module should be considered alpha code.

Form Beta html.form Provides field and form classes to simplify the generation of HTML forms. Simple API for field validation.
Session Beta session Session provides an easy API for the mangement of session information via cookies or url session ids.
Template Beta html.template The template module contains a variety of template parsers to enable you to separate your code from the appearance of your HTML to generate dynamic content.
Misc Beta   Many other modules and scripts provide useful features such as a webserver, documentation generation etc.

All the Lemon components are designed to be extremely flexible so that you can use whichever components you need in your own code or easily modify an existing driver to suit your needs.

Included Software

Lemon also include software developed by other developers.

© 2002-2003 James Gardner