Source Code
#!/usr/bin/env python
"The builder module doesn't work with Gadfly. If you would like to see it running edit the source code in the obvious way."
print "Content-type: text/html
<html><body><p>The builder module doesn't work with Gadfly. If you would like to see it running edit the source code in the obvious way.</p></body></html>"
# To run the code:
# 1. Uncomment the code below (leaving comments on the DateTime fields.
# 2. Comment the two lines above
# 3. Edit the database connect line
#~ import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
#~ import sys
#~ sys.path.append('../')
#~ sys.path.append('../../../')
#~ import lemon.db, lemon.db.builder, lemon.html.form
#~ conn = lemon.db.connect(type="mysql", database="test") # XXX EDIT THIS LINE
#~ database = conn.cursor(autoConvert=True)
#~ class Person(lemon.db.builder.Table):
#~ database = database
#~ table = 'Person'
#~ #mystringCol = MyStringCol()
#~ normal_int = lemon.db.builder.IntegerCol()
#~ normal_float = lemon.db.builder.FloatCol()
#~ normal_char = lemon.db.builder.CharCol()
#~ normal_string = lemon.db.builder.StringCol()
#~ normal_text = lemon.db.builder.TextCol()
#~ #normal_dateTime = lemon.db.builder.DateTimeCol() DateTime Fields are broken use date and time instead!
#~ normal_date = lemon.db.builder.DateCol()
#~ normal_time = lemon.db.builder.TimeCol()
#~ notNULL_int = lemon.db.builder.IntegerCol(notNULL=True)
#~ notNULL_float = lemon.db.builder.FloatCol(notNULL=True)
#~ notNULL_char = lemon.db.builder.CharCol(notNULL=True)
#~ notNULL_string = lemon.db.builder.StringCol(notNULL=True)
#~ notNULL_text = lemon.db.builder.TextCol(notNULL=True)
#~ #notNULL_dateTime = lemon.db.builder.DateTimeCol(notNULL=True) DateTime Fields are broken use date and time instead!
#~ notNULL_date = lemon.db.builder.DateCol(notNULL=True)
#~ notNULL_time = lemon.db.builder.TimeCol(notNULL=True)
#~ personTable = Person()
#~ if personTable.exists():
#~ personTable.drop()
#~ personTable.create()
#~ person = personTable.emptyRow()
#~ form = person.form()
#~ print lemon.header()
#~ print '<html><head><title>Builder Example</title></head><body>'
#~ if len(lemon.cgi)>0:
#~ form.populate(lemon.cgi)
#~ if form.valid():
#~ newRow = personTable.add(all=form.dict())
#~ print '<h1>Added!</h1>'
#~ print newRow.form().frozen()
#~ else:
#~ print form.html()
#~ else:
#~ print form.html()
#~ print '</body></html>'