




Getting Started

Congratulations on deciding to install Lemon. We hope you find the Lemon modules a pleasure to use.

Quick Installation

First run the generate.py script in the distribution directory to generate documenation. This is recommended but not essential.

Lemon doesn't need installing. The only thing you must do is put the lemon module in a place where Python can find it or tell Python specifically where it is. You can do this in a number of ways:

  1. Execute the command below to install Lemon to your Python Lib/site-packages directory where Python looks for new modules:

    python setup.py install

2. Place the lemon directory of the distribution in the same directory as the script which uses the modules since Python always searches the directory containing a script when looking for modules.

  1. Modify your PYTHONPATH by:

    Adding the following code in every file using the modules:

    >>> import sys
    >>> sys.path.append('C:\path\to\distribution\directory')

    replacing C:\path\to\distribution\directory with the path to the directory containing the lemon directory.


    You should not include the lemon directory in the path otherwise Python will look for a directory called lemon inside the lemon directory and will not find it!

    Alternatively, append the path to the directory containing the lemon directory to the PYTHONPATH variable in the standard way for your operating system.

Note:Python 2.3 allows modules to be distributed as ZIP files. If you are running Python 2.3 or above a module zip file is produced by the generate.py script. Be aware that you should use the newly generated module with the same version of Python as you created it with or you may get Bad Magic Number errors.


The documentation for Lemon is generated from the .txt files and the Python source code in the distribution. You should have already generated the documentation by running the generate.py script in the distribution directory.

Once generated, the doc directory contains the Lemon Manual which is complete documentation for the Lemon modules including user guides, HOWTOs, module reference, examples and tutorials.

You should read the documentation before going any further.

Testing the Examples

To get up and running with the examples run webserver.py in the scripts directory to start a web server on port 8080. There must be no spaces in the path. Load a web browser and visit http://localhost:8080/start.html. You don't need to install the modules to run the tests.

You should see this page being served from your webserver. Read the examples page for more information.

Other Places of Interest

You may wish to look at the main documentation for the Lemon modules and also the CHANGES, BUGS, TODO and LICENCE secions. Read the Getting Started part of the manual.

© 2002-2003 James Gardner